【摘要】  造型是工业设计永恒的主题。曾几何时,功能主义、使用设计乃至生活方式设计覆盖了人们的设计思域,但是细细想来一切功能、结构、人机、市场需求的实现都应该立足于以人为本,并最终归结于造型的表达,所以有必要对造型做一个深入的研讨。



【关键词】  汽车 造型设计 社区 电动车 设计开发

Car Styling Design Research &
Development of mini-Electric Vehicle for Community

(College of Artistic Design, Nanjing University of technology)

【Abstract】 Styling is the everlasting theme of industrial design. The ideas, such as functionalism, design for use and lifestyle have fulfilled the field of ID at one time. But when we think it thoroughly, we must find that all the realization of functions, constructions, ergonomics and marketable wants should base on the idea, which is said, “focus on people”. And they must end in an expression with styling. So it’s needful to get a research on styling in-depth.

    As is said “the pivotal merchandise” for its great affect on human beings, car styling itself is affected from lots factors, and affects all the aspects of its time, especially the manner & trend of other merchandises. So, this paper takes a research on many fields, such as politics, economics, culture and society. Its emphasis is to make a judgment and universal rule on the specific style, graphic feature and visual function of car by visual psychology, aesthetically physiology and bionics.

    In view of the really needs of people’s life, the idea of mini electric-vehicle (EV) used in community is founded. For this, we firstly design and make a newly EV chassis, then take an experience of its dynamic and running. By analyses the result and give an improvement opinion, we get a technology premise to the next development. Based on this, aforesaid rule become to a styling plan of mini EV. Finally, the design for use is finished, and the requirement of proper functions, convenience, handsome, economy and friendly environmental interface achieved.

【Keyword】 Car, Styling, Community, Electric-Vehicle, Development

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